Category: General Sports Leader UK Lowland Walk Leader Level 3=Starts November

26th October 2020 16th November 2020

Are you aged over 19, UK resident, currently unwaged?

Would you like to retrain or qualify to be able to lead groups of walkers in the countryside?

If so this course is for you.

Learn about -

Walking Equipment

Navigation Skills

Walking routes

Leadership skills

Supervising groups

Safety and risk management...

on this 7 day course of indoor and outdoor activities plus study time and at least 4 hours of volunteering spread out over several months so you can use your skills and practice with support.

Training also includes Mental Health First Aid Awareness and other useful courses.

Support will be given with obtaining DBS clearance for volunteering and equipment can be loaned.

Course starts November 2020.

Interested? Please call 01519342610 for referral to the training provider. Or click the link and we'll call you Event Pilot

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Supported by Youth Employment Initiative &